
Friday, October 2, 2009


Vanity--everything is vanity.

Of course I'd like to look good running down the road--finishing the race is one thing, and clocking a good time eventually is another, but looking good while doing so must not be forgotten as well. Currently I run in baggy shirts and whatever comfortable shorts which happen to be at the top of my drawer. One day I'd make the transition to those fancy, overpriced, branded but undoubtedly beautiful tight-clinging moisture wicking apparels--

--once I've gotten comfortable with my body. This body which is so far from the standard lithe, slim and lean runner's body--which is an ever distant goal.

A good nutrition is important if one wishes to last on the road--someone leading above-sedentary lifestyle has to constantly replenish his lost energy. I've learnt that the hard way--again and again and again, actually: hitting the wall long before I saw it coming; crash and burn--whichever phrase you prefer. But weight loss is my main goal for now, and while I'm not on a strict diet, I do have to watch my calorie intake and how much I burn (calorie burn>calorie intake = #1 weight loss rule). The few days I splurged on carbs before long runs bore satisfactory fruits, although I did feel extremely guilty when I look at my food diary at the end of the day (personal discipline, fat girl!).

Kinda ironic how weight loss actually compromises a bit of fitness? I mean, of course in a whole my fitness has increased--in the good old days I'd rather die than run--but it's improving in a really slow rate due to the fuel limit I've imposed on myself.

I'm waiting for the day I can finally imagine myself in those impossibly tight tri-suit. Affording them, though, would be another story!

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